Bela passed her first exam

Bela passed her first exam

Tokrat se oglaΕ‘amo malo z zamudo, a včerejΕ‘ni dan je bil zapolnjen do zadnjega kotička. Imamo pa zato toliko lepΕ‘e novice; Bela je včeraj z izpitom 100% uspeΕ‘no zaključila prvi del Ε‘olanja! πŸ˜€
ENG: This time we are a little bit late with the Blog, because the last days were very busy. But we have excellent news, Bela passed her first exam yesterday! She mastered the ‘little’ school with 100% : ))

Sedaj malo “Ε‘olskih počitnic” do spomladi, a to Ε‘e ne pomeni, da bomo celo zimo prelenarili, ampak bomo Ε‘e naprej aktivno trenirali in se učili trikcev. Trenutno Bela zna dati tačko, zadane tarčo s taco in s smrčkom, zna se obrniti v levo in desno stran,… KakΕ‘ne trikce pa znajo vaΕ‘i kuΕΎki? πŸ™‚
ENG: Now Bela has school holidays until spring, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll just sit around and do nothing. We will try to learn some new skills and tricks. Now Bela knows how to give her paw, she can touch things with her nose or paw by command and she can turn left or right. What tricks do your dogs do?

Med tednom smo bili spet pohodniőko razpoloženi in smo obiskali Sv. Petra nad Begunjami skupaj s őe eno psičko pasme rodezijski grebenar. Topel sončen dan smo tako dobro izkoristili, nekaj trenutkov si lahko ogledate v spodnjih fotografijah:

ENG: During the week we were also hiking. We visited Sv. Peter (hill near Begunje) with a friends dog Rhodesian Ridgeback. You can see some photos of the walk here:


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