Zima nam prinaša neizmerno veselje hkrati pa tudi takšno katastrofo kot se je dogodila v Sloveniji v preteklem tednu. Na našem koncu smo imeli srečo in nismo utrpeli hujših posledic, naši sorodniki na Jezerskem pa so še vedno odrezani od sveta. Upajmo da se razmere čim prej normalizirajo.
ENG: The winter brings us many joyful moments but on the other hand a natural disaster like happened in Slovenia in last week. Everything is in ice, people are without electricity and drinkable water more than a week now. We are very lucky to live in bigger town that the consequences were not so bad, but our relatives who live on Jezersko are cut off from the world.
Bela je v tem tednu dopolnila 10 mesecev, tudi njena teža se bliža teži odraslih švicarjev – 28 kilogramov. Trenutno razmišljamo o menjavi briketov. Do sedaj je Bela jedla Purino Pro Plan kot pri vzreditelju. Iščeva pa hrano, ki bi bila še kakovostnejša. Najbolj se nagibava h katerim izmed Arden Grange briketov. Kakšne pa so kaj vaše izkušnje z različnimi briketi?
ENG: Bela is officially 10 months old now, she is already as big as an adult swiss white shepherd, as well she has 28 kilograms now. We are thinking about to change Bela’s dry food. Till now she was fed by Purina Pro Plan, but we are thinking about one of the Arden Grange choices. What about your experience with different dry food?
Mi pa smo kljub vsemu vsak dan bolj nori na sneg.. 😀
ENG: Although we are still even crazier about the snow 😀