Spring 2014

Spring 2014

Dan se daljša, sonček nas sedaj razvaja že skoraj do osmih zvečer in tako vse bolj zmankuje časa, da strnemo vse dogodovšine preteklih dni v besedah. Ampak mislim, da mi vsaj pasjeljubci ne morete zameriti, da kakšen blog zamenjam za dolg sprehod z mojimi kosmatinci? 🙂
ENG: The day is getting longer and longer, the sun is warming us almost till 8pm. So, in the last few weeks we had not so much time for our Blog, we rather spent more time with our dogs. I hope that no one will blame us for this ; )

Eno izmed čudovitih marčevskih sobot smo izkoristli za obisk slovenske obale. In nismo bili edini, sonce je k morju zvabilo ogromno (predvsem) slovencev ter tudi kar nekaj njihovih kužov. Ob prihodu v Portorož smo se najprej ustavili na teniških igriščih, tenis se najde v našem vsakdanjiku kar nekajkrat tedensko, kljub temu, da sem z aktivnim treniranjem zaključila že nekaj mesecev nazaj. Tako se je tudi Bela kmalu ob prihodu k nama morala privaditi, da teniške žogice na igrišču niso njene, ter da mora med teniško igro mirno ležati in čakati v senci. In prav srečna sva lahko, da imava tako pridno in ubogljivo kužo, ki je lahko z nama vedno in (skoraj) povsod! 🙂
ENG: One of the beautiful march Saturdays we spent on the Slovenian coast. And we were not the only one, the perfect weather has attracted many other Slovenians and their dog to visit our coast. When we came to Portorož, our first stop were the tennis courts there. Tennis is our big hobby, since I finished my active playing, and we enjoy to play several times a week. Bela had to learn that the yellow balls on the court are not for playing with her, and that she must rest in the shadow this time. We are very happy, she does not make any troubles about that : )
Med sprehodom po Piranu pa super presenečenje, srečali smo še dva bela švicarska ovčarja. In nič ni lepše kot spoznati člane naše facebook skupine Beli švicarski ovčarji – slovenski lastniki tudi v živo. 
Tako se je dan na morju zaključil najboljše kot se je le lahko.
ENG: Later when we were on the way to find a restaurant for lunch, we found something different instead. We met our Facebook friends with another 2 Swiss shepherds : ))
Pa še nekaj besed o Belini šoli..
Kljub velikim zadovoljstvom z dosedanjim šolanjem in znanjem inštruktoric, ki so nama svetovale pri Belini vzgoji v ŠKD Lesce-Radovljica, sva se odločila da osnovno šolanje in izpit BBH obiskujeva v KD Ovčar v Škofji Loki. Poligon v Škofji Loki nama je veliko bližje, poleg tega pa sva lahko še naprej oba hkrati prisotna na poligonu ter lahko z Belo delava izmenično. To se nama zdi zares pomembno, saj je Bela ves čas z nama in mora spoštovati ukaze obeh. Bela pa je spoznala nove pasje prijatelčke s katerimi se veselo lovi in podi po zaključku treninga.
ENG: And some words about Bela’s school. Although we were very satisfied with the ”little” school and the teachers in the kennel club Lesce-Radovljica, we decided to switch to the kennel club Shepherd Škofja Loka. Škofja Loka is much closer to our home and we can still be both on the polygon and do the work with Bela alternately. That was really important for us, because Bela is with both of us all the time and she must respect any order from both. Bela already met her new friends, and she likes them very much. They can play after every school lesson : )

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