Juhu, končno imamo tudi svojo spletno stran: www.vomweissenunterberg.eu
Kako vam je všeč? 🙂
ENG: Finally we have our webpage: www.vomweissenunterberg.eu How do you like it?
Fotografski natečaj na katerem smo sodelovali z Belino fotografijo je končan. Po zaslugi vas in ostalih, ki so glasovali za našo fotografijo smo se po mnenju glaosvalcev uvrstili na 3. mesto. Vendar pa je o končnem rezultatu odločala žirija, ki nam je dodelila končno 11. mesto. Kot pravijo, važno je sodelovati in ne zmagati, pa vseeno, obljubimo, da bomo naslednjič še boljši! 🙂
ENG: The photo contest where we took part is completed. Thanks to you and others who voted for our photo, we, in the opinion of the voters ranked in 3rd place. However, the final result was decided by the stewards, who gave us a final 11th place. But as they say, the important thing is to participate, not to win, but still, we promise to do better next time! 🙂
Naš Mond je praznoval že 5. rojstni dan! Želimo si le, da ostane zdrav in razigran še dolgo z nami.
ENG: Mond celebrated his 5. birtday in the last week! We wish only to stay healthy and playful as he is!