Belina gonitev je končana. Po obetavnih prvih dveh tednih, ko Bela in Mond nista kazala drugačnega vedenja, so sledili 4 dnevi cviljenja in bevskanja. Te dni smo še posebej skrbeli da Mond ni bil v tistih prostorih v hiši kjer je bila Bela in tudi Mondovo cviljenje se je kmalu umirilo.
Na najino veselje sva si vse skupaj pred prihodom Monda predstavljala veliko huje kot je v resnici bilo. Kljub vsemu ni tako preprosto imeti 4 tedne striktno ločena oba psa, to pomeni tudi ločene sprehode, izleti pa v tem času za enega od psov odpadejo. Zagotovo je veliko bolj preprosto, če v isti hiši ne živijo nesterilizirani//kastrirani psi nasprotnega spola, vendar pa najine odločitve o posvojitvi nekastriranega pse niti malo ne obžalujeva. Veselje in srečo, ki jo oba najina švicarja vsakodnevno delita z nama je veliko več vredno kot nekaj težavnih dni v letu.
ENG: Bela’s season is over. After a promising first two weeks, when Bela and Mond have not showed a different behavior, followed 4 days of crying and barking. These days we were specially careful that Mond has not been in those rooms in the house where Bela was and Monds squealing soon calmed down.
To our delight we expected much worse than it actually was. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to have 4 weeks strictly separated two dogs, this also means separate walks, tours, at this time for one of the dogs fell off. Surely it is much simpler if in there in the same house do not live sterilised // castrated dogs of the opposite sex, but our decision for an adoption was 100% right. The joy and happiness that both our Swiss daily share with us is much more worth than a few difficult days of the year.
ENG: Bela’s season is over. After a promising first two weeks, when Bela and Mond have not showed a different behavior, followed 4 days of crying and barking. These days we were specially careful that Mond has not been in those rooms in the house where Bela was and Monds squealing soon calmed down.
To our delight we expected much worse than it actually was. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to have 4 weeks strictly separated two dogs, this also means separate walks, tours, at this time for one of the dogs fell off. Surely it is much simpler if in there in the same house do not live sterilised // castrated dogs of the opposite sex, but our decision for an adoption was 100% right. The joy and happiness that both our Swiss daily share with us is much more worth than a few difficult days of the year.
Za nami pa je tudi že kratek oddih na morju. Mond je pri svojih 5 letih prvič videl morje in tudi kmalu okusil, da je preveč slano da bi ga pil. Za razliko od Bele, ki je ves čas tičala v morju in neumorno plavala, je Mond namočil le svoje tačke.
Na našo srečo smo ujeli idealno vreme, brez neznosno visokih temperatur, in ga poleg plavanja izkoristili tudi za dolge sprehode.
ENG: We have already made a mini break at sea. For Mond it was the first time that he saw the sea and soon tasted, it is too salty to drink it. Unlike Bela, who is always in water and swims tirelessly, Mond has only dipped its foot.
Luckily we caught the perfect weather, without unbearably high temperatures, and in addition to swimming we have also enjoyed long walks.
ENG: We have already made a mini break at sea. For Mond it was the first time that he saw the sea and soon tasted, it is too salty to drink it. Unlike Bela, who is always in water and swims tirelessly, Mond has only dipped its foot.
Luckily we caught the perfect weather, without unbearably high temperatures, and in addition to swimming we have also enjoyed long walks.