ENG: We were in Bohinj on one of the few sunny days in August. We have enjoyed in swimming and in walk around the Bohinj’s lake. We are very happy if we randomly meet another white Swiss shepherd and his owner, and also happy to stop and chat a bit while our dogs sniffing and playing with each other. And we were lucky in Bohinj. We met 5 month old white swiss shepherd boy who comes from the same breeder as Bela. π
ENG: On sunny mornings we go for a walk and swimming to nearby lake in Preddvor. Bela is enjoying in the water and swims tirelessly every time she could, conversely, Mond still doesn’t like to swim. Even more interesting is his behavior in water, without stopping digs, squeals and barks into the water as if he lost something …
Drugi del avgusta je bil v znamenju priprav na Belino prvo pasjo razstavo, ki se nestrpno pribliΕΎuje. Pridno vadimo in urejamo Ε‘e zadnje malenkosti ter upamo na Δim veΔ sreΔe v nedeljo! DrΕΎite pesti!
ENG: The second part of August was marked by preparations for Bela’s first dog show, which is fastly approaching. We are practicing and edit the last little things and we hope for the best of luck on Sunday! Cross your fingers!