Autumn 2014

Autumn 2014

Vsak letni čas je po svoje najlepši. In ravno pasja družba in sprehodi z najinimi štirinožci nama omogočajo odkrivanje lepot narave. Na naše veliko veselje je vreme sedaj idealno za dolge jesenske sprehode. Narava ponuja neskončno motivov, ki si jih vsakič znova želimo ujeti v fotografski objektiv in narediti večne. Na srečo tudi Bela in Mond z veseljem pozirata, tako je v zadnjem času nastalo kar nekaj fotografij.

ENG: Every single part of year has its beautys, but autumn is somehow special with the beautiful colors and in this year with great weather. So in these days we enjoy every free minute with our dogs outside, in nature. In the last days, weeks we visited many new places around Gorenjska.

We both like to take photos so in this blog there are not so many words, but more photos from different places where we were hiking and simply enjoying. We can be happy that Mond and Bela really like to pose for the camera. 🙂


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