Danes je 42. dane Beline brejosti. Dopoldne smo naredili še en ultrazvok in z nepopisnim veseljem sporočam, da se po besedah veterinarja mladički odlično razvijajo in rastejo. Sedaj merijo že približno 8 cm in že izgledajo kot kužki ♡♡♡
ENG: Today is 42. day of Bela’s pregnancy. In the morning we did another ultrasound and with indescribable joy we can share with you that puppies are doing great. They are already quite big, about 8 cm and they look like dogs ♡♡♡ Can not wait the day I finnaly meet them!
Tudi Mond je začutil, da se nekaj dogaja in z največjim veseljem sprejel vlogo nadomestnega očeta. Takole se že pridno pripravlja, kako bo ko bo pazil na male kužke 😉
ENG: Also our Mond felt that something is going on.. He is getting ready to be repacment father with the biggest joy. 😀