Dnevi kar bežijo in naši mali angelčki niso več tako majhni kot so še ne dolgo nazaj bili. Sedaj se že kažejo njihovi karakterji, ponosni so, da znajo lajati in če se odločijo lajati v soglasju postane kar glasno. V preteklem tednu so prvič poskusili tudi pravo hrano, sedaj poleg Belinega mleka uživajo tudi v obrokih mesa in skute, počasi pa bodo spoznavali še druge okuse. Navdušenje ob prvem grižljaju mesa je bilo nepopisno, iz zaspanih očkov je zažarelo in v naslednjem trenutku so vsi planili nad ponujenim. Prav tako navdušeni raziskujejo vse novo, vsaka igrača je zanimiva, vsaka žogica se zdi drugačna in vsaka stvar, ki jo dodava v njihovo sedaj že kar polno igralnico pospremijo s sledenjem prav vseh 6 parov očk, z neverjetno pozornostjo in zanimanjem. In vsak obisk, ki ga dobimo je za njih prvovrstna izkušnja, toliko novih vonjav, dotikov ki jih prinese obiskovalec je treba podrobno raziskati. Res so pravi mali čudeži, hkrati še tako ranljivi in odvisni od svoje mamice, po drugi strani pa že tako samostojni, pozorni, pametni. Vsak trenutek z njimi je popoln in neprecenljiv!
ENG: Days goes by so fast and our little angels are not so small anymore. Now you can already see their characters, and they are very proud that they have learn to bark and i they decide to bark all together, it can be quite loud.
They have taste their first meal in last week and their respond was priceless. They enjoy in meat meals and cottage cheese sooo much and slowly they will get to know the other flavors too.
Puppies start to explore new things, every toy is interesting, every ball seems different, and every thing we add in their playground now is accompanied with each and every 6 pair of eyes, Every visitor we get is for them a first-class experience, so many new smells, touches that bring the visitor should are very interesting for them.
They are little miracles so vulnerable and dependent on their mother and on the other hand, they are already so curious, alert, intelligent. Every moment with them is perfect and priceless!