V družbi naših belih kepic čas res hitro beži in danes so kosmatinčki dopolnili že 5 tednov. Presrečni smo, da se odlično razvijajo, so radovedni, pogumni in neskončno navihani. Mamica Bela resnično uživa v njihovi družbi in se razposajeno z njimi igra, na čase pa jim tudi pokaže kje so meje.
Tudi vreme je na srečo na naši strani, tako se odpravimo ven na sonček tudi 3-4 krat dnevno in takrat se razposajenčki igrajo tudi z ostalimi odraslimi kuži, zaenkrat le z našima Dono in Mondom, čez nekaj dni pa bodo spoznali tudi druge kuže. Sedaj je socializacija in učenje malčkov na vrhuncu in tako bo vse do dvanajstega tedna, zato jih želimo spoznati s čim več različnimi ljudmi različnih starosti, živalmi, predmeti, predvajamo jih različne zvoke, spoznavajo različna okoljo, se igrajo z različnimi igračami…
ENG: In company of our little white angels time flies really fast. Today they are already 5 week old. They are developing great, are very curious, brave and endlessly playful. Mum Bela loves to play with them and be in their company. She aslo teach and show them the boundries.
ENG: In company of our little white angels time flies really fast. Today they are already 5 week old. They are developing great, are very curious, brave and endlessly playful. Mum Bela loves to play with them and be in their company. She aslo teach and show them the boundries.
Even the weather is on our side, so we go out 3-4 times a day so they can play with other adult dogs too, for now only with our Dona and Mond, but in a cupple of days they will be ready to meet others too.
Socialization and learning is now and till 12 weeks of age the easiest so we try to show them as many new things, people of diffrent ages, animals as we can. They daily listen to diffrent voices, get new chalenges, see diffrent environment…