Ajs visited us

Ajs visited us

Pretekle dni je na kratke počitnice priΕ‘el naΕ‘ bratec Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen Unterberg, ki je sedaj ΕΎe velik, pogumen in močan fant! V hiΕ‘i je vladalo nepopisno veselje, s sestrico Alfo pa sta bila seveda nerazdruΕΎljiva. TeΕΎko, a na koncu nam je le uspelo narediti tudi skupinsko fotografijo πŸ™‚

ENG: Brother Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen Unterberg came for a short vacations to us. He is already a big and strong boy now! You can imagine the happiness in house! At the end we somehow managed to take a group photo with mummy Bela and sister Alfa.

Ajs Amadeus VWU, mummy Bela, Alfa Anu VWU
Ajs and Alfa almost 9 months of age


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