We got results for another two health test for our Bela (Olina Fliegeland). A specialist checked her eyes and we are happy to say there are no atypical changes or illnesses. 
And today we visited a highly regarded cardiology and ultrasound specialist to check Bela’s heart. We got a certificate of cardiovascular examination with excellent result: Bela’s heart is super healthy and without atypical changes.
So our princess Bela is now HD:A, ED:0, MDR1: +/+, DM: n/n, cardiovascular examination: without issues, eyes: clear
SLO: Juhu, zelo smo veseli! Dobili smo rezultate őe dveh zdravstvenih pregledov naőe Bele (Olina Fliegeland). Soecializirana veterinarka je pregledala njene oči, ki so na naőe veselje brez sprememb ali obolenj.
Danes pa smo obiskali visoko-cenjeno kardiologinjo, ki je ultrazvočno pregledala Belino srce in tudi tu se veselimo doktoričinih ugotovitev, da je ima Bela zelo zdravo srce!
Tako je sedaj najina Bela brez znakov kolčne ali komolčne displazije, ni obolela ali prenaΕ‘alka gensko prenosljivih bolezni ter ima zdravo srce in zdrave oči! πŸ˜€

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