4 days..

4 days..

Our “little” puppies are already 4th day with us and each and every moment is precisious! <3 All five boys are extremly strong, from the first moment on they are “walking” around like they weren’t just born. All are gaining a lot of weight daily and we are sure they will doube their birth weight in less than a week.
And last two days they baceme really vocal too! It is lovely to listen how they are debating about stuff. 😀

SLO: Naši “mali” mladički (ki so v resnici že pravi korenjaki) so danes stari že 4 dni in prav vsak trenutek z njimi je nekaj najlepšega. <3
Vseh 5 fantov že od rojstva veselo “koraka” naokoli, so izjemno močni in hitro pridobivajo na teži, tako sva prepričana, da bodo prej kot v tednu dni podvojili svojo rojstno težo. V zadnjih dveh dneh pa so postali tudi pravi “opravljivci”, veselo čeblajo, se prerekajo in se veselijo mamine bližine <3

3 days old White Swiss Shepherd puppy <3

Here you can check their first video: /Tukaj si lahko pogledate tudi video mladičkov:


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