FCI Obedience competition Pordenone, Italy

FCI Obedience competition Pordenone, Italy
Yesterday we were in Pordenone, Italy on our first FCI Obediece competition. With both girls we competed in Obedience Debutanti class.
Bela (Olina Fliegeland) finished on the podium as a 2nd!!! Although it was a hot, sunny day with over 30°C, she showed one more time she is our perfect girl! <3
And for little Alfa Anu VWU (15 months) this was her first competition ever! She was super good girl and with my mistake we finished as 8th. <3
Thank you whole Slovenian team for a great day, super atmosphere and support and especially thank you Stasa Pardubsky, your trainings and tips move us to new world! :))

SLO: Včeraj sem se s puncama udeležila prvega FCI Obedience tekmovanja v Italiji. Gre za tekmovanje poslušnosti, več o disciplini pa si lahko preberete tukaj. Z obema sem nastopila v razredu OB Debitanti in mislim, da smo z doseženim lahko več kot zadovoljni:
– Bela (Olina Fliegeland) je kljub več kot 30°C in sonču brez oblačka znova izkazala in dosegla 2. mesto!!!
– za Alfo Anu vom Weissen Unterberg pa je bila to njena prva tekma nasploh in z njenim nastopom smo lahko več kot zadovoljni, kljub moji napaki je dosegla 8. mesto

Hvala celi Slovenski ekipi za super dan in vzdušje ter vse vzpodbudne besede! Še posebaj pa hvala Staši Pardubsky in njenim treningom in nasvetom, ki so nas popeljali čisto v nov svet poslušnosti! :))


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