Alfa & Bela first Swiss White Shepherds with OB1 title

Alfa & Bela first Swiss White Shepherds with OB1 title
After almost a year of training Bela and Alfa were ready for first FCI Obedience competition in class 1. FCI Obedience is new discipline in Slovenia and our Katja is one of first instructors here. And now our girsl are first swiss white shepherds in Slovenia who successfully passed OB1. And what is even better, our little mouse showed her great attitude once more and finished competition in Austrian St. Andra as a 3rd!
SLO: Po skoraj letu priprav sta se včeraj Alfa in Bela udeležili svoje prve tekme v razredu 1 discipline FCI Obedience. Medtem, ko je to v tujini FCI Obedience zelo popularna in že uveljavljena disciplina je v Sloveniji še dokaj mlada. Katja je ena prvih inštruktoric pri nas za to disciplino in sedaj sta Bela in Alfa prvi Švicarski beli ovčarki z opravljenim OB1 preizkusom. In še boljše, naša miška Alfa je včeraj še enkrat pokazala svojo zagnanost do dela in v Avstrijskem mestu St. Adra osvojila odlično 3. mesto!


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