BAER test

BAER test

..or hearing test.Β Congenital deafness (deafness at birth)Β can potentially appear in any breed, but most common to those with white pigmentation.Β Although it is not very common to have deaf White Swiss Shepherd, as a breeder I feel responsible to be 100% sure for my dogs. So the D day came and we went to BAER test with our pack of dogs and I luckily we canΒ say all of them have normal hearing! πŸ˜€

BAER tested:Β 

  • Olina Fligeland,Β BAER test: normal
  • Alfa Anu VWU,Β BAER test: normal
  • Aries Ava VWU,Β BAER test: normal
  • Bland Blaez VWU,Β BAER test: normal
  • β€˜Quant’ Ixan Floy les Trois Baisers,Β BAER test: normal

More about BAER test you can read here:Β


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