41st day of Bela’s pregnancy

41st day of Bela’s pregnancy

Although it is 41st day of Bela’s pregnancy, she is staying crazy and totally herself!  Just LOVE her energy! ❤️ And can’t wait to meet puppies!

Tomorrow we have 2nd ultrasound check. Now we are on 2nd/3 of pregnancy and about 20 more days to meet little wonders <3. Bela is feeling fine, even hungrier than normal, super happy and relax and wants to cuddle all the time.


//SLO:// Kljub temu, da je že 41. dan Beline brejosti, Bela prav nič ne zaostaja! Norenje v snegu in krajši treningi poslušnosti so še vedno dnevno na sporedu 😀 Sedaj smo že zakorakali v 2./3 brejosti in jutri imamo 2. ultrazvočni pregled. Odštevamo in komaj že čakamo, da spoznamo male bele kepice! <3


'Bela' Olina Fliegeland <3

Although it is 41st day of Bela’s pregnency, she is staying crazy and totally herself! ? Just LOVE her energy! ❤️

Objavil/a vom Weissen Unterberg Berger Blanc Suisse dne 25. februar 2018


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