Woohuuuu! First place and excellent points 293/320 in OB1 class on today’s FCI Obedience competition in Corno di Rosazzo, Italy! ?
And finally we have condition to move up to OB2! ??
Probably there is no need to describe how proud I’m on our Alfa?! She is only the 5th dog is Slovenia with condition to compete in FCI Obedience class 2!!!
Now, we have short time to learn and train excercise for OB2 class, because our next competition is planned for 8th April, when we will compete on 3rd Specialty for WSS in Prague (CZ). We are looking forward! 😀
//SLO:// Juhuuuu! Zmaga in odlična ocena v OB1 razredu na FCI Obedience tekmovanju v Italiji! S tem sva si z Alfo prislužili potreben pogoj za tekmovanje v OB2 razredu! In da se še malo pohvaliva, takšen pogoj imajo poleg naju le še 4 slovenski kužki!
Sedaj naju čaka intenzivno obdobje treningov in učenja novih vaj za razred OB2, saj imava naslednje tekmovanje že 8. Aprila v Pragi na Češkem. Se že veseliva novega izziva!