It is a busy week behind us! We daily visit new places, meeting different people & animals, learn new things and we drive a lot! We are extremely happy how puppies are responding, seeking for human’s attention and are very self-confident.
On Wednesday puppies were tested by Volhard test and tester said it is one of best litter she has tested! She said differences between them are really small. And we were extremely happy to hear that puppies ware looking for a human (even unknown), love to share kisses and none of them reacted on sound or strange object. As well all retrieved the object and didn’t lose interest in playing with the tester.
So it is finally time to introduce little puppies with their name!
Here they are:
βΒ Fast Furious vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Fearless Floyd vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Faraday Fjord vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Finn Firefly vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Faran Fly vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Flying Free vom Weissen Unterberg
βΒ Friendly Foxy vom Weissen Unterberg