First year is very important!
While raising a puppy as well as raising a baby. A dog grows from a tiny little puppy to a young adult and learns most for his life. As well, the baby’s brain grows most rapidly in the first twelve months of life and this is a critical period for learning. We don’t say it is the same, far from that! But, if one thing is in common, we would like to give them the best start! ?
Če pri mladičkih že točno veva za vsak trenutek kaj potrebujejo za optimalen razvoj, pa so nama kartice aktivnosti za dojenčka odličen pripomoček za Elo! Ona se zamoti z gledanjem kontrastnih vzorcev (btw dojenčki v prvih mesecih najboljše vidijo prav kontraste), midva pa dobiva idejo in navodila za njeni starosti primerno aktivnost. ??