Litter AA

born on 7th February 2015

♀Ch. Olina Fliegeland IPO1
♂ Ch Gomer la Blankpapilio IPO3, IPO FH


 – all puppies born without back dew claws
 – all puppies were born with  great pigmentation on ears, nose, paws
  – puppies weight at birth between 420g and 500g

Pedigree name Sex Size HD ED Health Shows Sport Breeding
Alfa Anu vom Weissen Unterberg female 56cm/25kg A/A 0/0 MDR1 free, DM free, Back: free, Heart: normal, Eyes: clear, Baer: normal Excellent, CAC BBH, RO1, BGH1, FPr1, FCI OB2 in breeding, kennel vom Weissen Unterberg, SLO living in Slovenia
Almost Angel vom Weissen Unterberg female 58cm/30kg A/A 0/0 MDR1 free, DM free, MH: free, Back: free, Eyes: clear EE, LT, LV, BALT JCH, CACIB, BOB• Finnish Character Test: LTE +223+++ in breedingkennel Tarita’s, Finland: living in Finland
Aries Ava vom Weissen Unterberg female 61cm/30kg A/A 0/0 MDR1 free, DM free, Back: free, Heart: normal, Eyes: clear, Baer: normal JCh SLO, Ch SLO BBH, IPO1 in breeding, kennel FLOWW, SLO living in Slovenia
Arctic Aura vom Weissen Unterberg female c.32kg free free MDR1 & DM free by parents neutered living in Slovenia
Aston Arion vom Weissen Unterberg male c.32kg free free MDR1&DM free by parents / / living in Slovenia
Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen Unterberg male c.66cm/36kg A/A 0/1 MDR1&DM free by parents / BBH exam neutered living in Slovenia, missing right lower M1
  1. February 2016:

Dear Alfa, Ajs, Sky, Ava, Dona and Vieno HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY! ? ?

We wish you all many playful hours with your owners, countless crazy days and a lot of health for long looong life! We love you all to infinity and beyond! <3

P.s.: Thank you Tanja and PAPY for delicious cake!

SLO: Danes naše AA leglo praznuje svoj prvi rojstni dan! Draga Alfa, Ajsi, Sky, Ava, Dona in Vieno VSE NAJBOLJŠE!!! Želimo vam nešteto igrivih dni z vašimi lastniki in obilico zdravja za doooolgo in srečno življenje! Imamo vas najrajši! <3

P.s.: Najlepša hvala Tanji iz Pasje pekarne PAPY za čudovito in slastno tortico!

  1. October 2015:

SLO: Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen UNterberg je prišel k nam na kratke počitnice in lahko na verjamete, da je bilo zelo zabavno! Ajsi je sedaj že velik, močen fant, pravi lepotec! Čeprav težko, pa nam je le uspelo narediti tudi skupno fotografijo skupaj z mamico Belo in sestrico Alfo.

Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen Unterberg came for a short vaccations to us, and believe us we had a lot of fun! He is already a big strong boy! This photo was made at almost 9 months of age, on left Ajs Amadeus VWU, mummy Bela and sister Alfa Anu VWU.

  1. August 2015:

SLO: Točno 6 mesecev nazaj je najina princeska Bela rodila 6 čudovitih belih anglečkov! In zagotovo sta bila naslednjedva meseca ena najlepših v najinem življenju! Svoje spomine bi rada delila tudi z vami, zato vas vabiva, da si ogledate filmček od rojstva pa do odhoda naših sončkov v nove domove.

Cel video najdete na tejle povezavi:

Exactly 6 months ago our princess Bela gave birth to 6 little white angels! For sure next two months were one of the best time in our life and we love to share our memories with you <3

Thanks everyone involved for all help and of course Lenka and Roman for amazing daddy Gomer! <3

The whole movie you can watch here:

  1. July 2015:

SLO: Naša komaj dobih 5 mesecev stara Almost Angel vom Weissen Unterberg (Bela X Gomer), ki živi na Finskem, je včeraj in danes kar dvakrat postala najlepši mladiček na razstavi v Ukmergu v Litvi! Zelo smo ponosni! ?

We are sooo proud! Our little Almost Angel vom Weissen Unterberg (Bela X Gomer) at just 5 months of age already winning! She was twice in a row Best Baby in show in Ukmerge, Lithuania! ?

  1. July 2015:

Today we visited our Ajs Amadeus vom Weissen Unterberg in his home. We are so happy to see our puppy developing so well and living life with his family to the fullest! ?

SLO: Danes smo obiskali Ajsa Amadeusa vom Weissen Unterberg v njegovem domu. Presrečna sva, ko vidiva kakšne ljubeče lastnike so dobili naši mladički in kako vsak trenutek neizmerno uživajo! ?

  1. June 2015:

Happy 4 months our little angels Ajs, Sky, Vieno, Bela, Ava, Alfa! Mummy Bela, sister Alfa and us two are sending kisses! ♡

SLO: Naši “mali” angelčki so danes dopolnili že 4 mesece, pozdravčke vsem od mamice Bele, sestrice Alfe in naju! ♡

  1. June 2015:

Just 4 more days and our puppies will be already 4 months old! They are growing fast, mostly they already change some of their tooths, they are getting new-adulthood fur and what is the most important all of them have a great life and we can not thanks enough to their new owners who are taking such good care of them! Thank you all from buttom of our hearts! ♡

Še 4 dni in naši mladički bodo dopolnili 4 mesece! Kako hitro gre čas in kako hitro so zrasli! Večinoma so že zamenljali nekaj mlečnih zobkov za stalne, dobivajo novo, pravo dlako in kar je najpomembnejše vsi uživajo v novih ljubečih domovih! Hvala iz srca vsem novim lastnikom, da tako lepo skrbite za naše srčke! ♡

  1. April 2015:

Nine weeks old and so damn cute! ♡ Only three of our little angels are still with us, the other three are already living and ejnoying life with their new families.

  1. April 2015:

Today our puppies are 8 weeks old. The time with them went toooo fast but on the other hand we couldn’t be more happy and calm because we know they are moving to their new perfect homes! ♡♡♡Have an amazing life, full of adventures and amazing stories and of course full of love! ♡♡♡ We will miss you our little AA angels! ♡

Every our puppy will get a Puppy packets, thank you and Pasja pekarna PAPY for support!

Danes so mladički dopolnili 8 tednov. Čas v njihovi družni je mineval veliko prehitro, hkrati pa sva presrečna in mirna saj veva, da gredo v ljubeče nove domove. Za popotnico vsak naš mladiček prejme Puppy paket, najlepša in Pasji pekarni PAPY, ki sta nama pri tem pomagala!Mladički AA uživejte s svojimi novimi lastniki, imejte super, brezskrbno življenje polno dogodivščin in seveda ljubezni! Mi vas bomo pogrešali mali AA beli angelči! ♡♡♡

  1. March 2015:

Our A litter puppies are already 7 weeks and 2 days “old”. They have already visited a vet, all of them were examinated, microchiped and first time vaccinated. Now we can finaly travelling around without fear that somebody gets sick (fingers crossed).

Next days are really important for socialization of puppies, so we are planning every day to do and see as many new things as possible. All puppy work is done only with positive approach so that puppies get only good experiences.

In last few days they have already met many new dogs diffrent ages, a lot diffrent people also children and elder people, we are driving with car every day, they have met horses, docks, cats…

Due to all those activity we have almost no time for anything else.. we have took many new photos, which I will try to go through and publish it as soon as possible. Hope you guys can understand, puppies are the number one priority, photos can wait a little bit ?

Naši mladički so danes dopolnili že 7 tednov in 2 dni. Čas res hitro beži! Vseh 6 mladičkov je bilo že temeljito veterinarsko pregledanih, vsi so bili tudi čipirani in prvič cepljeni, tako lahko sedaj hodimo naokoli brez skrbi.

Naslednji dnevi so za socializacijo mladičkov zares pomembni, zato za vsak dan posebej planirava aktivnosti, da bi zares vsak skupni dan, ki nam je še ostal izkoristili maksimalno.

V preteklih dneh so se mladički igrali z novimi kužki različnih starosti, spoznali so ogromno novih ljudi, otrok, starejših, vsak dan se vozimo z avtomobilom, ogledali smo si konje, račke, mačke…In iskreno, nama ostane zalo malo časa za ostale stvari, zato tokrat prilagam le eno fotografijo, kljub poplavi novih fotk na mojem računalniku.. upam da v prihodnjih dneh najdem nekaj časa in čim prej objavim še kakšno fotografijo naših malih razbojnikov.

  1. March 2015:

Yesterday was exactly 6 weeks since our angels came to the world, for sure the day I will remember for ever! But now, our angels are not so small anymore, some of theirs ears are already up, they were already on the first trip with car and in next days they will get their own microchip and first vaccination.

Včeraj je minilo točno 6 tednov odkar so naši angelčki pokukali na svet in zagotovo je to dan, ki si ga bova zapolnila za vedno! Ampak sedaj so naši sončki že veliki, nekaj njihovih ušes že stoji pokonci, prvič smo bili tudi že na izletu, vozili smo se že z avtom, v naslednjih dneh pa malčki dobijo tudi svoje čipe in bodo prvič cepljeni.

  1. March 2015:

In company of our little white angels time flies really fast. Today they are already 5 week old. They are developing great, are very curious, brave and endlessly playful. Mum Bela loves to play with them and be in their company. She aslo teach and show them the boundries.

Even the weather is on our side, so we go out 3-4 times a day so they can play with other adult dogs too, for now only with our Dona and Mond, but in a cupple of days they will be ready to meet others too.

Socialization and learning is now and till 12 weeks of age the easiest so we try to show them as many new things, people of diffrent ages, animals as we can. They daily listen to diffrent voices, get new chalenges, see diffrent environment…

V družbi naših belih kepic čas res hitro beži in danes so kosmatinčki dopolnili že 5 tednov. Presrečni smo, da se odlično razvijajo, so radovedni, pogumni in neskončno navihani. Mamica Bela resnično uživa v njihovi družbi in se razposajeno z njimi igra, na čase pa jim tudi pokaže kje so meje.

Tudi vreme je na srečo na naši strani, tako se odpravimo ven na sonček tudi 3-4 krat dnevno in takrat se razposajenčki igrajo tudi z ostalimi odraslimi kuži, zaenkrat le z našima Dono in Mondom, čez nekaj dni pa bodo spoznali tudi druge kuže. Sedaj je socializacija in učenje malčkov na vrhuncu in tako bo vse do dvanajstega tedna, zato jih želimo spoznati s čim več različnimi ljudmi različnih starosti, živalmi, predmeti, predvajamo jih različne zvoke, spoznavajo različna okoljo, se igrajo z različnimi igračami…


  1. March 2015:

Today we woke up in the morning and look what was waiting us, rosa girl got her first ear up! ♡

Zjutraj smo se zbudili in glejte kaj nas je pričakalo! Roza punčka ima prvi ušesek že pokonci! ♡

  1. March 2015:

We are on the half of our together jurney with puppies form litter A, they are already 4 weeks old. We love each and everyone of them , it will be so hard to let them go, but at the same time we will be very happy for them, bacause all of them will have beautiful life.

Smo že na polovici našega skupnega druženja z mladički iz legla A, v soboto so dopolnili že 4 tedne. Čas slovesa se stalno približuje in že sedaj veva, da bo za vse nas to težko obdobje, a hkrati se veselim saj bodo prav vsi mladički imeli čudovito življenje z novimi lastniki.

  1. March 2015:

Yesterday we had beautiful sunny day and our puppies really enjoy the time we spend outside, they were so curious and brave! We are really proud on them! ♡

Včeraj nas je razveselil sonček in nekoliko višje temperature, kar smo z mladički z veseljem izkoristili in preživeli nekaj časa zunaj. Mladički so uživali in prav vsi so bili zelo radovedni in pogumni, zelo sva ponosna na njih! ♡

  1. March 2015:

Days goes by so fast and our little angels are not so small anymore. Now you can already see their characters, and they are very proud that they have learn to bark and i they decide to bark all together, it can be quite loud.

They have taste their first meal in last week and their respond was priceless. They enjoy in meat meals and cottage cheese sooo much and slowly they will get to know the other flavors too.

Puppies start to explore new things, every toy is interesting, every ball seems different, and every thing we add in their playground now is accompanied with each and every 6 pair of eyes, Every visitor we get is for them a first-class experience, so many new smells, touches that bring the visitor should are very interesting for them.

They are little miracles so vulnerable and dependent on their mother and on the other hand, they are already so curious, alert, intelligent. Every moment with them is perfect and priceless!

Dnevi kar bežijo in naši mali angelčki niso več tako majhni kot so še ne dolgo nazaj bili. Sedaj se že kažejo njihovi karakterji, ponosni so, da znajo lajati in če se odločijo lajati v soglasju postane kar glasno. V preteklem tednu so prvič poskusili tudi pravo hrano, sedaj poleg Belinega mleka uživajo tudi v obrokih mesa in skute, počasi pa bodo spoznavali še druge okuse. Navdušenje ob prvem grižljaju mesa je bilo nepopisno, iz zaspanih očkov je zažarelo in v naslednjem trenutku so vsi planili nad ponujenim. Prav tako navdušeni raziskujejo vse novo, vsaka igrača je zanimiva, vsaka žogica se zdi drugačna in vsaka stvar, ki jo dodava v njihovo sedaj že kar polno igralnico pospremijo s sledenjem prav vseh 6 parov očk,  z neverjetno pozornostjo in zanimanjem. In vsak obisk, ki ga dobimo je za njih prvovrstna izkušnja, toliko novih vonjav, dotikov ki jih prinese obiskovalec je treba podrobno raziskati.  Res so pravi mali čudeži, hkrati še tako ranljivi in odvisni od svoje mamice, po drugi strani pa že tako samostojni, pozorni, pametni. Vsak trenutek z njimi je popoln in neprecenljiv!

  1. February 2015:

Today puppies got their first meat meal and they love it! They are quite big and very well developt for their age, all are walking around playing room without problem. They are very curios and cure of course!  ♡

Mladički so danes dobili prvi obrok mesa in bili so ga zelo veseli! Vsi zelo lepo rastejo in se odlično razvijajo za njihovo starost, sedaj hodijo že brez problemov in radovedno raziskujejo okolico. Seveda pa so tudi pravi srčki!  ♡

  1. February 2015:

Puppies are already 2 weeks old, they can see, walk and hear some voices, so it’s time to introduce them some new objects, toys, surfaces, voices… They got some new stuff in their area and they LOVE it! <3

Mladički so včeraj doponili 2 tedna, sedaj imajo že vsi odprte oči, so zmožni napraviti nekaj majajočih se korakov. V kotilnico smo jim dodali nekaj novih predmetov, igrač in različnih podlag za čim boljši razvoj čutil in nabiranje novih izkušenj.

  1. February 2015:

Our puppies are already 2 weeks old. They are bigger every day. Now they already have long snowy white coat and their eyes are open. They can also hear some sounds so we stardet listening diffrent voices which they will meet in everyday life. In last couple of days, they did first steps and now they are able to shakingly walking around.

We have also almost finish with our first task – Ens program, which has significant effect in adulthood of puppies. It improves cardio-vascular system, heart, reduce stress…

Naši mladički so danes dopolnili 2 tedna. V tem času so že opazno zrasli in dobili tudi daljšo snežno belo dlako. Vsi so sedaj že odprli učke in si radovedno ogledujejo okolico. Tudi slišijo že nekatere zvoke, zato smo začeli s predvajanjem različne zvokov, ki jih bodo spremljala tudi kasneje v življenju. Naredili so že prve korake in ponosno kakajo v sedečem položaju ?

V teh prvih dneh življenja naših malčkov pa smo že skoraj dokončali našo prvo nalogo – Ens program, ki kužkom v starejši dobi omogoči bolj stabilen karakter in manjšo občutljivost na stres, prav tako krepi imunski in krvožilni sistem ter srce.

  1. February 2015:

Our sweetheart are already one week old ♡

Prvi teden življenja naših malčkov je minil kot bi trenil, in že so se preizkusili v poziranju ♡

  1. February 2015:

On 7th February six little white swiss shepherds were born natural way (2 boys, 4 girls). All weighted around 450g. They already have beautiful pigmentation and all were born without back dew claws. Bela is amazing mother, so loving and tender! She is cleaning, nursing, feeding all the time (she hasn’t rest much till now). We can not describe how happy and blessed we are! Keep your fingers crossed for our little angels! ♡

V soboto, 7. Februarja se nam je po naravni poti skotilo šest švicarskih belih ovčarjev (2 fantka, 4 punčke). Teža mladičkev je enakomerno razporejena, ob rojstvu so tehtali okoli 450g. Vsi so se rodili brez zadnjih slednikov ter že imajo čudovito pigmentacijo. Bela je čudovita mamica, zelo skrbna in ljubeča. Mladičke čisti in hrani ves čas, zato še ni imela prav dosti časa za počitek. Presrečni smo! Držite pesti za naše male angelčke! ♡


  1. February 2015:

58th day: Bela is doing her nest and resting. In last two days her belly growth for 5 more cm, now is already 90cm. Her temperature is 37,7C for last cupple of days. We are ready to welcome puppies any time now. Keep you fingers crossed for Bela! ♡

  1. dan: Bela počiva in si pripravlja gnazdo. Obseg trebuščka se je v zadnjih dveh dneh povečal še za 5cm in sedaj meri 90cm. Telesno temperaturo ima zadnjih nekaj dni stalno okoli 37,7C. Pripravljeni smo, da se kotitev začne kadarkoli. Držite pesti! ♡
  2. January 2015:

Juhuu finally some snow again! Bela and Mond are like two childs, happy like crazy. Although Bela’s belly is quite big now, she is running and really enjoying on snow. Today is already 54th day of pregnancy and we are slowly getting ready.. Bela is resting and sleeping most of the day, she also lost a bit of appetite.. But little puppies are just the opposite, they are kicking and moving all the time ?

Juhuu končno spet pošilkja snega in ni lepšega kot vremenska napoved, ki tudi za prihodnje dni napoveduje snežne padavine. Bela in Mond sta presrečna! Bela, kljub velikemu trebuščku razposajeno dirja sem ter tja. Danes je že 54. dan njene brejosti in počasi se pripravljamo na kotitev. Bela nekoliko izgublja apetit, večino dneva počiva in spi. Njeni mali razposajenci v trebuščku pa neumorno brcajo in se premikajo ?

  1. January 2015:

Just a little bit more than a week to expected date. We are pleased that pregnancy is progressing without complications. Bela is still active despite her big belly. We can feel puppies moving and kicking, it’s so special feeling ♡ Puppies can be born any time now, we are ready ? Puppy collars are done, how do you like them? ?

Zelo sva vesela, da Belina brejost poteka brez težav. Kljub velikemu trebuščku je še vedno normalno aktivna, vendar smo vseeno pazljivi, da ne prihaja do prevelikih naporov. Mladički se lahko sedaj skotijo kadarkoli, zato je zadnje dni Bela ves čas v družbi vsaj enega od naju. Predvčerajšnim sva tudi prvič začutila mladičke kako se premikajo in brcajo, res čaroben občutek! ♡

Želimo si, da bi tudi kotitev potekala brez zapletov ? Ovratnice za mladičke so že pripravljene, kakšne se vam zdijo? ?

  1. January 2015:
  2. day of Bela’s pregnancy. She is doing great and her belly is growing and growing..
  3. dan brejosti, Belin trebušček se povečuje..
  4. January 2015:

Our pregnant princess ♡ (45. day)

Naša breja princeska, išče pozornost na vsakem koraku

(45. dan)

  1. January 2015:

Today is 42. day od Bela’s pregnancy. In the morning we did another ultrasound and with indescribable joy we can share with you that puppies are doing great. They are already quite big, about 8 cm and they looks like dogs ♡. Can not wait the day I finnally meet them! ♡♡♡

Danes je 42. dan Beline brejosti. Dopoldne smo naredili še en ultrazvok in z nepopisnim veseljem sporočam da se po besedah veteriarja mladički odlično razvijajo in rastejo. Sedaj merijo že približno 8 cm in že izgledajo kot kužki ♡♡♡


  1. January 2015:

We are moving forward.. Bela’s belly is getting bigger, she is a little bit calmer then normaly <3

Belin trebušček se povečuje <3, tudi po obnašanju se umirja.

  1. January 2015:

Today is 32nd day of Bela’s pregnancy, just 1 more month and puppies will be there . Bela

is doing great, she loves to cuddle and always wants to be near us ♡

Danes je 32. dan Beline brejosti in le še en mesec dni ostaja do

kotitve. Bela uživa in išče najino bližino ter vsak trenutek izkoristi za crklanje. ♡♡♡

  1. January 2015:

We did ultrasound today in the morning and with the biggest happiness we can share wonderful news that Bela is pregnant! ♡♡♡

Juhuuu danes zjutraj smo z Belo opravili ultrazvok in z nepopisnim veseljem delimo z vami super novico: Bela je breja! ♡♡♡


  1. December 2014:

It is 14th day since mating. Bela’s behavior has a litlle change, she is showing her belly and wants to be pet all the time.

Danes je 14. dan od prve paritve. Bela je v zadnjih dneh postala bolj nežna, išče najine dotike in nastavlja svoj trebušćek. Še 11 dni nas loči do ultrazvoka. ?


  1. & 10. December 2014:

We mated Bela and Gomer, now let’s cross fingers that little white swisses are on the way! We are waiting for 3. January when we have ultrasound! <3

Belo in Gomerja smo uspešno parili. Sedaj pa držimo pesti in komaj čakamo 3.januar ko bomo opravili ultrazvok! <3

From this combination we expect wonderful long-coated, healthy puppies (by parents MDR1: +/+, DM: n/n) with lovely, lively and stable character suitable for families, sport, work and shows.

We expect middle-bones puppies with good, expressive heads, great ears, strong backline, propotional body and beautiful pigmentation.

Both parents have long, snowy white coat without cream marks and beautiful dark pigmentation. Parents are not only beautiful outside, they have also amazing characters, both are stable and fantastic companions and they have pass many working exams (B-BH, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, APr2, ZVV2).

Iz te kombinacije pričakujemo čudovite dolgodlake, zdrave mladičke (po starših MDR1: +/+, DM: n/n) z živahnim, stabilnim karatkterjom primernim za družine, šport, delo in razstave.

Pričakujemo mladičke s srednje močnim okostjem,  dobro in lepo izraženo glavo, lepimi ušesi, močno ravno hrbtno linijo, s proporcionalnim telesom in lepo pigmentacijo.

Oba starša imata dolgo, snežne belo dlako brez kremnih madežev in čudovito temno pigmentacijo. Hkrati pa imata tudi čudovite karakterje, sta stabilna in odlična družabnika. Imata narejene tudi številne delovne izpite (B-BH, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, APr2, ZVV2).

Puppies AA diary
Happy 9th Birthday!

Today is 9 years since our first litter was born. Happy Birthday and a lot of health to brothers Ajs & Sky and sisters Vieno, Dona & Ava!

Happy 6th Birthday! ♥️

Stay happy, healthy and naughty boys! Hope you all had an amazing day with your owners! ?♥️

Happy 4th Birthday AA pupps!

I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you over and over

Bela is grandmum again!

Bela is grandmum again! Huge congratulations to our finish girl Vieno and owner Katia from Tarita’s kennel! ?❤️?? 2 males and 6 females were born ob 29.12.2018 our of combination FI MVA EE MVA

Annual meeting of vom Weissen Unterberg family

Another year, another meeting, new memories made and lots of white kisses accept. We are blessed to call you a “family” <3

Very successsful weekend for our offspring!

Divine Diamond vom Weissen Unterberg aka Anakin achieved his very first BOB (best of breed) with only 10months of age on Sunday’s show!  He was 1 Excellent, CAC, Best male

Alfa won! OB2 here we come!

Woohuuuu! First place and excellent points 293/320 in OB1 class on today’s FCI Obedience competition in Corno di Rosazzo, Italy! ?❤️ And finally we have condition to move up to OB2! ???

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Alfa: “Thank you for my present!” ? ? Happy 3rd Birthday to my little mouse and her brothers and sisters from AA litter! <3

Birthday party

Happy Birthday to our AA & BB litter fur kids! ? ? We were really lucky this year to celebrate on snow, which dogs love the most! We are grateful to have such

2nd place for at FCI obedience competition in Prague, CZ

Although “only” very good with 248,5/320 points, I’m super happy with Alfa’s attitude and overall impression! And at the end it was good enough for 2nd place! ?? ? ? It was first

Aries Ava vom Weissen Unterberg passed IPO1 exam!!!

??? Wuhuuu!!! As mother as daughter they say! Aries Ava vom Weissen Unterberg passed IPO1 exam! Big congratulation to her owner Jernej and all involved! ???  

Aries Ava VWU new Slovenian champion in beauty!

With only 2 and a half years of age Ava today finished her Slovenian champion in beauty at Internation dogs show CACIB Bled!

CAC Hrušica

After some time, we went to show again! 😛 CAC Hrušica, 28.5.2017: J.Ch Aries Ava vom Weissen Unterberg, 2.5 years old, open class: Excellent 1, BOS, BOB ? Thanks to

Alfa at International Obedience competition in Italy

With only 2 years of age and 2nd time in OB1, Alfa showed some good work and making us proud again!  Missing excellent grade and OB2 condition for only 1.5 points.

BAER test

..or hearing test. Congenital deafness (deafness at birth) can potentially appear in any breed, but most common to those with white pigmentation. Although it is not very common to have deaf White Swiss

Some words about work with puppy… and happy 4 months our little boy!

We strongly believe first 16 weeks of dog’s life has great impact on dog’s life later on. All start with the breeder! While we are also breeders we know how much

Happy Birthday AA litter!

Already 2nd birthday of our 6 white Angels! I remember like yesterday, we were counting every day of Bela’s pregnency, and then they come, 6 little miracles, 6 Angels… You

Birthday Party =P

A year just went by in a blink of an eye.. time really flies! Our Banditos celebrated their 1st birthday today! Have a happy, healthy life and make your owners

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