About us

Family of four, passionate about dogs! Dogs are our lifestyle and our profession. We are owners and founders of a premium dog school and dog sitting “Pasja Hiša” and official distributors for MIMsafe car cages in Slovenia.
Dogs are part of our family, staying with us inside our house and accompany us almost everywhere we go. Training dogs is our passion, we are both official FCI trainers (Katja for FCI Obedience, Primož for tracking, classical obedience & IGP) and we are very active with our dogs. The male “Quant” has passed the IGP3 with only 3years of age and he is also the second dog who we prepared and trained to be a therapy dog, working in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. With females, we do FCI Obedience and agility, which is Katja’s big passion. We are regular guests on competitions home and abroad. Katja also gives seminars abroad and runs courses (puppy class, obedience) at several locations in Slovenia.


SLO: Smo mlada družinica, ki si ne predstavlja dneve brez pasje družbe. Kuži so del naše družine, polnovredni člani, ki ponosno zasedejo del, največkrat pa kar cel kavč. Ker se s kuži ukvarjamo tudi profesionalno – uradni distributerji za MIMsafe avtobokse iz Švedske, premium varstvo psov & individualno šolanje, so naši dnevi zelo razgibani, predvsem pa nam ni nikoli dolgčas!
Šolanje psov je najina strast, oba s Primožev sva lincencirana kinološka inštruktorja (Katja – FCI Obedience, Primož – klasična poslušnost, IGP in sledenje) in z našimi kužki smo aktivni na različnih športnih področjih in redni gosti tekem doma in v tujini. Samček Quant je že drugi pes, ki sva ga uspešno izšolala za terapevtskega psa in je reden gost v bolnišnicah in rehabilitacijskih centrih. Quant in Katja sta zelo uspešna tudi v disciplini IGP, v le dveh letih treninga sta opravila vse izpite, vključno z najbolj zahtevnim IGP3 in le dober mesec dni po Quantovem 3. rojstnem dnevu! S psičkami pa aktivno treniramo in tekmujemo v FCI obediencu in agilitiju.


A healthy, stable, agile type of White Swiss Shepherd & Miniature Poodle who is a great companion and maintains working and sporting capability is the main goal of our breeding. We wish that every our puppy finds lovable owners and a warm home. We follow our puppies throughout their whole lives and we help new owners whenever they need us!


SLO: Cilji naše vzreje so zdravi, socializirani, karakterno stabilni, agilni predstavniki pasme Švicarski beli ovčarski pes & Miniaturni Koder. Naši mladički so hkrati odlični družabniki in ohranjajo delovne sposobnosti pasme. Želimo, da vsak naš mladič najde ljubeznive lastnike in topel dom. Naše mladičke spremljamo skozi celo življenje, novim lastnikom pa sva vedno na voljo.

Dogs are our family members and friends

Naši psi so naši družinski člani in družabniki

Our dogs are first of all our family members and faithful friends. Breeding comes second. Quality always over quantity. For this reason, we do not have many litters (usually 1 per year or less), only that way we can devote the maximum time, energy and love to our dogs, puppies and their needs. As well, we are breeders who spend fully 8 weeks or more with each and every puppy. Puppies are born in our hands, we follow their grow and development, they receive all our love, care and time that they need for their best development! 

SLO: Najini psi so najprej najini družinski člani in družabniki. Vzreja je vedno na drugem mestu. Kvaliteta vedno pred kvantiteto. Zato imamo malo legel (običajno ne več kot 1 leglo letno), ki so v naprej skrbno načrtovana in premišljena. Le tako je možno, da se najinim kužom in mladičkom maksimalno posvetiva. Kot vzreditelja, ki imava možnost, da prvih 8 tednov (ali več) v celoti preživiva z leglom in vsakim mladičkom posebaj, vsakega mladička posebaj spremljava, opazujeva njegov razvoj in spremembe. Vsak mladič je skoten v najinih rokah in do odhoda v nov dom prejme vso najino ljubezen, nego in čas, ki jo potrebuje za svoj optimalen razvoj.

Healthy and active dogs

Zdravi in aktivni psi, brez znakov kolčne/komolčne dispazije in zdravi dedno prenosljivih bolezni

In general known, the White Swiss Shepherd and Poodles are healthy breeds. But all is not as pink as it may be seen for the first time. We strongly believe there is no perfect dog. As breeders, we feel responsible to honestly share information about our dogs. We prefer to rather do more health checks than less before selecting a mating combination. While health is the most important goal of our breeding also all our White Swiss Shepherds puppies/offspring are x-rayed and we follow all our puppies’ health throughout their whole life (click for results under each litter) which are great feedback on our work and help us keep track of our own bloodline. 

SLO: V splošnem velja prepričanje, da sta Švicarski beli ovčarji in Kodri zdravi pasmi psov. A vse ni tako rožnato kot se zdi. Zdravje pasme je v največji meri odgovornost vzrediteljev. Pri naši vzreji dajeva na prvo mesto zdravstveno stanje najinih psov in mladičov. Imava izredno visoke kriterije izbire paritvenih kombinacij, saj le tako lahko izpolnimo cilje, ki smo si jih zadali in vzrejava pse z najmanjšim tveganjem zdravstvenih težav. “Perfekten” pes ne obstaja. Vedno so in se bodo pojavljale “napake”, najin cilj je seveda, da bi jih bilo čim manj. Kot povratna informacija na najino delo imajo vsi naši mladički Švicarskih belih ovčarjev pregledane kolke in komolce. Našim mladičkom in njihovemu zdravstvenemu stanju pa sledimo tekom celega življenja.

Stable character and proved working skills

Starši naših mladičkov imajo stabilen karakter in so se dokazali na številnih delovnih področjih

Dog is firstly and most importantly man’s companion, followed by our strongly belief his stable character shouldn’t be a question. Same is with White Swiss Shepherd and Poodle breeds. Both are family and companion dogs with high social competence and highly devoted to his owner, so their temperament should never be a question.
And while Berger Blanc Suisse breed is part of Sheepdogs breeds (FCI, group 1; section 1: Sheepdogs) they enjoys action and are easy to teach. They are working and sporting dogs with capability for all round education.
Although they are not in the same FCI group, Poodles are part of FCI group 9, as well Poodles are intelligent dogs, constantly alert and active, capable of learning and being trained for all kind of activities and dog sports.

And so, in our beliefs, character and work comes hand-in-hand together; we strongly believe a dog who is able to do dog-sports regularly, who can handle stress on working fields and can adapt and integrate to all kinds of social events and situations shows his stable character, healthy body and balanced mind. Such dog is not only good worker, but excellent companion for his man and family.

SLO: Pes je že od samega začetka človekov spremljevalec in družabnik. Tudi obe pasmi, ki ju vzrejamo, Švicarski beli ovčarski pes in Pritlikavi Koder, spadata med družinske pasme z odlično razvitim socialnim čutom in veliko predanostjo lastniku.
“Švicarji” so izjemno hitro učljivi in ljubijo gibanje. So delovni in športni psi  primerni za praktično vse kinološke discipline (vse vrste poslušnosti, sledenje, agility, obramba…), odlični reševalni psi in psi terapevti.
In prav tako Kodri. Že splošno poznano dejstvo, pudlje uvršča med najbolj pametne pasme psov. In res je tako! Pudelji so izjemno inteligentni psi, nenehno pozorni in aktivni, sposobni učenja in primerni za vse vrste aktivnosti in pasje športe.

Ko se odločamo za vzrejo je pri nas eden glavnih kriterijev karakter staršev. Trdno verjameva, da kuža, ki je redno aktiven v kinoloških športih in vzdrži pritisk na tekmovanjih ter uspešno prestane zahteve delovnih izpitov, s tem pokaže svoj uravnotežen in stabilen karakter ter odlično anatomijo in fizično pripravljenost. Zato so vsi starši naših mladičov poleg super družabnikov tudi odlični športni psi. 

We breed standard appropriate dogs

Mladiški ustrezajo pasemskemu standardu

Every mating combination is carefully selected and planned with the goal to enrich the breed. We strive to breed healthy, character stable, agile, medium-sized, sound dogs.

SLO: Paritvene kombinacije so skrbne izbrane in temeljito preučene s ciljem obogatitve pasme. Cilj naše vzreje so zdravi, karakterno stabilni, agilni, srednje-veliki psi.


Puppies are raised in family environment with great focus on socialisation

Mladički odraščajo v toplem, družinskem okolju z velikim poudarkom na primarni in sekundarni socializaciji

Puppies are born and raised inside, surrounded by family environment and the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Each our puppy receives primary socialization. We start with “Bio Sensor program” which provides early stimulation of the brain and nervous system. It has a huge positive effect in a dog’s adulthood, such as reduced sensitivity to stress and external factors, greater disease resistance, and positive effects on the heart and circulatory system (Dr. Carmen L Battaglia, https://www.breedingbetterdogs.com/article/early-neurological-stimulation). 

Puppies learn from their mother and later on from dogs in a pack, so we put great focus on our dogs and their calm and stable character, that they are great role models to puppies. During the first period of puppies’ life, during which puppies live with us, they get to know as many different people, kids and animals as possible. They visit different places, also city and city bustle. They are exposed to new surfaces and noises (thunder, fireworks, a hairdryer, airplane, vacuum cleaner) which helps to prevents fears in adulthood. We also have a small agility course with little obstacles and tunnels where puppies can learn to overcome various challenges. They play with different toys, get used to driving with a car, walking on leash, visiting a dog groomer, vet … As well our pups are potty trained and used to pee and poo outside on grass. 

Our goal is to make and do everything to give our puppies the best start in life possible.

We are 24/7 available for questions and help!

24/7 sva vam na voljo za kakršnakoli vprašanja in pomoč!

We would love to meet YOU!

No matter what question you have, don't hesitate to contact us

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